Friday, February 28, 2014

I Hear Lions

The winds have been roaring since morning, making me a bit timid to step outside to run my errands. It's funny how suddenly Southern Californians become feeble when the temperature is anything but sunny. I usually detest rain but today I am somehow able to embrace it; scurrying around the house like mice doing chores I've left scattered throughout the week with the rain as background music motivating me subtly.

Taking a little break now with milk and chocolate chip pumpkin bread I made yesterday. They were suppose to be muffins but I couldn't find any cupcake liners so I opted to make a square loaf instead and they were equally scrumptious. I also found this mug hiding away in the back of the cabinet. From time to time I discover new kitchenware from the eighties or nineties from when my siblings were little. I absolutely adore the designs I uncover sometimes and I'm glad my parents didn't toss it during the remodeling. It's funny how to them the design is banal and outdated but I see it as charming. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

I Smell Love

Last night I made milk chocolate truffles covered in shaved coconut in the spirit of Valentines Day which turned out wonderfully, except for the fact I might of added a tidbit too much cream, but a little time in the freezer fixed it right up :) I forgot how simple it was to make, and the outcome seems like you've been frenzying in the kitchen for the whole day. 

I also purchased a new perfume from Anthropologie that smells absolutely heavenly. I've never been into wearing scents since the ones I have encountered either felt too manufactured or really didn't please my nose. This bottle however, was simple yet had a feminine touch, exactly what I have been looking for all along 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Letters To You

Today I was able to finish up some cards for Valentines Day that I've been meaning to complete. Though we live in an age where e-mails and texts are a lot more ubiquitous than hand written notes, I think getting a letter by mail from a friend is so lovely. It seems that now, one's mailbox is filled with bills and advertisement and it doesn't feel personal anymore and has become just another mean of social media in analogue form. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I have myself a new little nook for the next two weeks fully furnished with all the knick knacks of my heart's desire. I have situated myself comfortably on the most adorable vintage couch with raspberries and my current read, The Goldfinch. I was a bit intimidated at first with the seven hundred page count and I'm still surprised at myself that I went forth with it, but everywhere I turned I would only hear wonderful things being said, so I decided to take the challenge. And since I am trying to read more this year, would it be so terribly wrong to count this as two books?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rose et Rouge

Though I usually find my street mundane and uneventful, I was pleasantly surprised by these bushels of pink flowers in full bloom. The weekend usually lets me catch up a weeks worth of duties that I was unable to squeeze into my schedule and I tend to dress myself in a simple attire of a shirt, tights, and a very soft cardigan that I could fall asleep in at any moment.

{book: Art of the 20th Century}

I was also able to get some words written down for my Rothko essay which I am quite pleased. I've always wanted to gain a deeper understanding towards art but up until now I've been having the hardest time. When my professor offered me a different perspective on viewing art through spirituality it helped me approach a subject that I've been trying to grasp at for years suddenly become clear as day.