Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rose et Rouge

Though I usually find my street mundane and uneventful, I was pleasantly surprised by these bushels of pink flowers in full bloom. The weekend usually lets me catch up a weeks worth of duties that I was unable to squeeze into my schedule and I tend to dress myself in a simple attire of a shirt, tights, and a very soft cardigan that I could fall asleep in at any moment.

{book: Art of the 20th Century}

I was also able to get some words written down for my Rothko essay which I am quite pleased. I've always wanted to gain a deeper understanding towards art but up until now I've been having the hardest time. When my professor offered me a different perspective on viewing art through spirituality it helped me approach a subject that I've been trying to grasp at for years suddenly become clear as day.


  1. What a beautiful sight! You must live somewhere that's warm year-round, because those flowers look absolutely tropical. I hope your new perspective works---the hardest part of writing an essay for me is getting the initial ideas down.


    Another Beautiful Thing

    1. My home is in Southern California so I get spoiled rotten with good weather haha But I do wish it would snow sometimes because I love the cold!
